Trix - Zeshkanja ime
Moj zeshkanja ime
...(Zeshkane=brunette, zeshkanja=little brunette) - zeshkane/zeshkanja pretty much means the same thing nothing to do with little
...Seeing you ignites me like fire
Pranë lumit qëndrojmë të dy
N´zemër kemi një mall
...(kemi=we have - right? In Dutch ears this seems peculiar. Since he is singing Kuptoje një zemër djali
...(Kuptojne=(do) understand - imperative)
...That loves (you) and loves (you)Trix - Zeshkanja ime -
Kuptoje një dashuri t´sinqertë
Që t´adhuron e t´adhuron. Seq më dogji malli
për ata sytë e tu të zi
...(të zi=black)
...unfathomable gemstones
ti më fale gjallëri - you gave me liveliness / you made me feel alive
...(Am I right with this last verse? It comes as a surprise, since nothing before hints at it.)
Trix - Zeshkanja ime (English translation)
.My little brunette,
Shikimi ytë më ndezë si zjarrë
.(Shikimi ytë=the sight of you) - shikimi yte = your look
.By the river we were [both] together
.In our hearts we have a (or is it 'one') longing - dont need the "one"
.about himself in the first verses, I expected 'kam=I have') - youre right kemi does mean we have idk why he flips to we he thinks she misses him too? lol
.Have mercy for this guy's heart - understand my heart / this guys heart (refering to himself ofcourse
Që dashuron e dashuronTrix - Zeshkanja ime -
.(Is this nothing more but a repetition, or am I missing some special grammatical construction?) just repetition, but even in english it makes sense when someone says for ex. "i gave and gave" and got nothing
.(Try to) understand a sincere love
.That adores you and adores you
.Still this longing burns me
.for [them] your dark eyes
xhevahirë gurrë e pashterrur
.(this line kills me! If only I understand it right!) i have no idea what pashterrur means and its killing me too cant even find it in a dictionary
.Forgive me for what I did