Unknown Artist
Unknown Artist

He Cared That Much For Me Lyrics Spanish translation


Unknown Artist - He Cared That Much For Me

1. When I think of Jesus love,
And how he came from heaven above,
I'm ashamed because I know
That I have failed me thanks to show. Chorus:
I know, I know he loves me:
This he proved at Calvary.Unknown Artist - He Cared That Much For Me - http://motolyrics.com/unknown-artist/he-cared-that-much-for-me-lyrics-spanish-translation.html
He gave his life that I might live.
He cared that much for me. 2. Lord I pray for strength today
That I might show some one the way.
After all you've done for me,
Can I give less than all for thee.

Spanish translation

Unknown Artist - Tal Fue Su Amor Por Mi (Spanish translation)

1. Al pensar en el amor
de mi Jesús, mi Salvador,
Sé que he fallado a él,
en gratitud, servicio fiel.

Yo sé, yo sé que me ama.
En Calvario lo mostró.Unknown Artist - He Cared That Much For Me - http://motolyrics.com/unknown-artist/he-cared-that-much-for-me-lyrics-spanish-translation.html
Su vida dio; mi vida salvó.
Tal fue su amor por mí.

2. Dame fuerza hoy, Señor
Para contar del Salvador.
Todo hiciste tú por mí,
Debo rendirme todo a tí.

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