Vaya Con Dios
Vaya Con Dios

Puerto Rico Lyrics Croatian translation


Vaya Con Dios - Puerto Rico

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Wake up Angelita, your mama just turned off the light
Manolo is already waiting by the old water-pipe
Her shoes in one hand, she carefully walks down the stairs
Holding her breath 'cause there's danger and love in the air

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Your papa will beat him if he ever finds out
Begging the Virgin won't help when you hear Manolito shout
(Manolito shout)
He's already standing under the starlit sky
You run to his arms and you laugh and you cry as he hold you tight

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

He says, he'll be leaving you soon and you beg him to stayVaya Con Dios - Puerto Rico -
But he wants to make it somewhere in the U.S.A.
And though he'll be far he promises he'll write every day
When time will be right, he'll come back and he'll take you away

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Your papa don't like him, he says he's no good
He steals and he fights and he never behaves, like a young man should
(Like a young man should)

Angelita she knows, he's not that bad inside
(Don't cry Angelita)
She takes the medal, she wears on a chain and presses it into his palm
(He'll come back and take you)

Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico
Aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, aie, Puerto Rico

Croatian translation

Vaya Con Dios - Portoriko (Croatian translation)

Probudi se Angelita, tvoja mama je upravo ugasila svijetlo
Manolo već čeka pokraj stare vodovodne cijevi
Cipela u jednoj ruci ona oprezno silazi niz stepenice
Držeći dah jer su opasnost i ljubav u zraku.
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko
Tvoj tata će ga prebiti ako ikad sazna
Preklinjanje Djevice neće pomoći kada čuješ Manolita kako viče,
Manolita kako viče
On već stoji ispod zvjezdanog neba
Ti trčiš u njegove ruke i smiješ se i plačeš kada te čvrsto drži
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko
Aje aje aje aje aje aje PortorikoVaya Con Dios - Puerto Rico -
On ti kaže da će uskoro otići ti ga svejedno moliš da ostane
Ali on želi uspjeti negdje u Americi
I premda će biti daleko obećaje da će pisati svaki dan
Kada dođe vrijeme, vratit će se i povesti te
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko
Tvoj tata ga ne voli, kaže da nije dobar
On krade i tuče se i ne ponaša se lijepo, kako bi mladić trebao
Angelita ona zna, da on nije tako loš iznutra
Ona uzme medaljon, stavi ga na lančić i pritisne ga na njegov dlan.
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko
Aje aje aje aje aje aje Portoriko

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