Vesna Pisarovic - Ja cekam noc
Nije mi jutro prijatelj najdraži
Kad svi se bude mene potraži
Nije mi jutro najdraže vrijeme
Noć mi je draže jer uspomene
Dolaze kad je tama pred nama Ja čekam noć kad spava grad
U tvoje snove uđem tad
I hodam na prstima da nebi te probudila
Ja čekam noći kad krijesniceVesna Pisarovic - Ja cekam noc -
Osvijetle stražu do tebe
I imam samo riječi dvije
Koje ti kažu: Vrati se Sunce bi htjelo u moje odalje
Mjesec se ne da njemu se ostaje
A ne zna sunce da nije jedno
Ima još jedno jednako vrijedno
Koje sad spava, mene ne cuje
Vesna Pisarovic - I'm waiting for the night (English translation)
The night is not my dearest friend
when everybody is waking up, look for me
the morning is not my best time
I prefer night because the memories
are coming when the darkness is in front of us
I'm waiting for the night when the town is sleeping
I get into your dream then
And I walk on my toes, not to wake you up
I'm waitinf for the night when fireflyiesVesna Pisarovic - Ja cekam noc -
lighten the gard to you
And I have only two words
that says to you: come back
The sun would like to come into my room
The moon wont let him, he wants to stay
But the sun doesnt know that it is not the only one
there is another one, as worth as the he
that sleeps now, and doesnt hear me