Vesna Pisarovic - Tako mi nedostajes
Vec sam dugo, dugo sama
svuda noc i svuda tama
vrisnula bih tvoje ime
ne zaboravi me Slatke price, slatke rijeci
davao si samo tako
mislila sam da su moje
samo moje, samo moje Refren
Tako mi nedostajes, da li znasVesna Pisarovic - Tako mi nedostajes -
tvoje price, dodiri, bas sve
tako mi nedostajes
ti ne znas sto to ljubav je
moje najdraze Nocas oblacim sve
sve u cemu sam ti
nekad bila najljepsa
toliko toga je na usnama
da si barem nocas tu
Vesna Pisarovic - I miss you so much (English translation)
I'm alone for a long,long time
Night and darkness everywhere
I would scream your name
Don't forget me
Sweet stories,sweet words
You "gave" just like that
I thought they are mine
just mine,just mine
I miss you so much,do you knowVesna Pisarovic - Tako mi nedostajes -
your stories,touches,just everything
I miss you so much
You don't know what love is
My dearest
Tonight I wear everything
Everything in what I was(?!this is not grammar corect but I can't remember exact phrase now)
the most beautiful to you once
There are so many things on my lips
I wish you are here tonight