
Lagala Lyrics English translation


Vuco - Lagala

Brzo lete godine
ja ne mijenjam navike
za našim stolom svaki dan
jutarnju kavu popijem A ti, tko zna gdje si ti
a ti, s kim si sada ti Ref.
Lagala, zašto si meni
lagala, lagala meni sveVuco - Lagala -
da ljubav nikad ne prestaje Lagala, lagala meni to
a znala, a znala si
da sve je prolazno Brzo lete godine
meni baš svejedno je
ja nikog ne primjećujem
sve oko mene pusto je Jer ti, tko zna gdje si ti
jer ti, s kim si sada ti Ref. Ref.

English translation

Vuco - You lied (English translation)

Years pass quickly
I don't change my habits
Every day I sit for our table
And drink my morning coffee

And you, who knows where are you
And you, who are you with now?

You lied, why did you
Lie to me, you lied about everythingVuco - Lagala -
You lied that love would never stop

You lied, you lied to me about that
And you knew, you knew
That everything was temporarily

Years pass quickly
It's all the same for me
I don't notice anyone
Everything is bleak around me

Because you, who knows where are you
Because you, who are you with now?



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