
Viski Lyrics English translation


Vuco - Viski

Baš je luda ova noć
Još smo luđi, brate, mi
Ni brige ni pameti
Kod nas pića prepun stol
Lijepih žena ne znam broj
A mi opet pijemo Zna me dobro ovaj grad
I svi misle da sam gad
Da mi je važan samo broj
Imo dragu, nemam je
Zato imam druge sveVuco - Viski -
Takav ti je život moj REF.
Naspi viski, brate moj
Noćas ne pričaj o njoj
Oko nas je žena sto
Ludilo je počelo
Sipaj, brate, sad za sve
Bivše i buduće
Svaka žena dobro zna
Tko to ljubi najbolje
Mangup kad popije

English translation

Vuco - Whiskey (English translation)

This night is so crazy
And we're even crazier, bro
Careless and mindless
A table full of drinks
Endless number of pretty girls
And we're drinking again

This town knows me well
And everybody thinks that I'm a cad
That I only care about the number
I had my darling, not anymore
That's why I have all the othersVuco - Viski -
That's my life

Pour the whiskey, brother
Don't talk about her tonight
There's a hundred of women around us
The madness has started
Pour it, bro, for all of them
For exes and future ones
Every woman knows so well
Who kisses the best
A tipsy reveler

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