Within Temptation
Within Temptation

Ice Queen Lyrics Persian translation


Within Temptation - Ice Queen

When leaves have fallen and skies turned to gray
The night keeps on closing in on the day
A nightingale sings his song of farewell
You better hide for her freezing hell

On cold wings she's coming you better keep moving
For warmth you'll be longing, nightingale
Come on just feel it don't you see it?
You better believe it

When she embraces your heart turns to stone
She comes at night when you're all alone
And when she whispers your blood shall run cold
You better hide before she finds you

Whenever she is raging she takes all life away
Haven't you seen? Haven't you seen?
The ruins of our world

Whenever she is raging she takes all life awayWithin Temptation - Ice Queen - http://motolyrics.com/within-temptation/ice-queen-lyrics-persian-translation.html
Haven't you seen? Haven't you seen?
The ruins of our world

She covers the earth with a breath taking cloak
The sun awakes and melts it away
The world now opens it's eyes and sees
The dawning of a new day

On cold wings she's coming you better keep moving
For warmth you'll be longing, nightingale
Come on just feel it don't you see it?
You better believe it

Whenever she is raging she takes life away
Haven't you seen? Haven't you seen?
The ruins of our world

Whenever she is raging she takes life away
Haven't you seen? Haven't you seen?
The ruins of our world

Persian translation

Within Temptation - Ice Queen (Persian translation)

وقتى برگها میرزن
و اسمون هم بە خاكسترى تبدیل میشە
شب بە روز نزدیكتر میشە
بلبل أوازى خداحافظى میخونە
براى تو بهترە كە خودت مخفى كنى از جهنم یخ بندان او

اون با پرهایى سرد میاد
تو بهترە كە حركت كنی
تا گرم بشى ، تو باید اشتیاق داشتە باشید
بیا فقط احساسش كن
میبینیش ؟
بهترە كە باورش كنى

وقتى اون بغلت میكنە
قلب تو تبدیل بە سنگ میشە
اون در شب میاد پیشت وقتى كە خیلى تنهایى
و وقتى اون نجوا میكنەWithin Temptation - Ice Queen - http://motolyrics.com/within-temptation/ice-queen-lyrics-persian-translation.html
خون تو سرد میشە
و بهترە خودتو پنهان كنى قبل از اینكە تو رو پیداكنە

وقتى اون عصبانى میشە
همە زندگى رو پشت سر میزارە
نمیبینى ؟
نمیبینى ؟
ویران شدن دنیاى ما

اون زمین رو با عبا وحشت اورش میپوشونە
خورشید طوع میكنە و اونو أب میكنە
حالا دنیا چشاش رو وا میكنە و میبینە
طلوع یە روز نو

وقتى اون عصبانى میشە
همە زندگى رو پشت سر میزارە
نمیبینى ؟
نمیبینى ؟
ویران شدن دنیاى ما

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