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Worship Songs

Alabaster Box Lyrics Spanish translation


Worship Songs - Alabaster Box

The room grew still as she made her way to Jesus She stumbles through the tears that made her blind She felt such pain, some spoke in anger Heard folks whisper, there's no place here for her kind. Still on she came, through the shame that flushed her face Until at last she knelt before His feet. And though she spoke no words Everything she said was heard, As she poured her love for the Master >From her box of Alabaster. CHORUS
And I've come to pour my praise on Him like oil from Mary's Alabaster Box Don't be angry if I wash His feet with my tears and I dry them with my hair. You weren't there the night He found me. You did not feel what I felt when He wrapped His love all around me. And you don't know the cost of the oil in my Alabaster Box. VERSE 2Worship Songs - Alabaster Box -
No puedo olvidar mi vida pasada. Era prisionera del pecado que me ataba. I spent my days pouring my life without measure. Into a little treasure box I thought I found. Until the day when Jesus came to me And healed my soul with the wonder of His touch. So now I'm giving back to Him all the praise He's worthy of . I've been forgiven and that's why I love Him so much. (I've been forgiven: He sido perdonada (female) because she was forgiven, but if everybody is singing this must be changed to de male word: perdonado)

Spanish translation

Worship Songs - Alabaster Box (Spanish translation)

Mientras ella avanzaba hacia Jesús, se detuvo la habitación

Tropezaba en las lágrimas que cegaban sus ojos

Sintió tal aflicción, algunas palabras con ira

Oía a la multitud murmurar, no hay lugar aquí para esa.

Aún así ella vino, transpasando la vergüenza que ruborizaba su rostro

Hasta que al fín se arrodilló a sus piés. Sin embargo no habló

Todo lo que dijo fue escuchar, mientras derramaba su amor por el Maestro

desde su vaso de alabastro

CHORUSWorship Songs - Alabaster Box -
He venido para derramar mi alabanza sobre Él como el aceite del vaso de albastro (de María) (too long in spanish and it's supposed that the box belongs to mary)

No se enojen si lavo sus piés con mis lágrimas y los seco con mi cabello.

No estaban allí la noche que Él me halló.

No sintieron lo que yo sentí cuando me abrazó con su amor.

Y no sabéis el precio del aceite de mi vaso de alabastro.

I can't forget the way life used to be. I was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound

Gastaba mis días derramando mi vida sin medida

dentro de un frasco, pequeño tesoro que pensaba había encontrado. Hasta el día que Jesús vino a mí.

Y sanó mi alma con el milagro de Su mano ("toque" is touch, but this don't sound well in spanish. Is better "mano" hand, his healings hands)

Por eso, ahora le devuelvo toda la albanza de la que es digno.

He sido perdonado y es por eso que le amo.

(I love Him so much.."le amo tanto", the final emphasis "tanto" it's no necessary in spanish)

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