Yeni Türkü - İmkansız
Bir damla suydun bir damla ateş
Bir görünür kaybolup giderdin
Tayin gönlümde lakin gizlice
Gecelere gölge gibi açılsak senle
Dünya uzak düş aleminde
Durdursak zamanı pervasız gecelerde
Açılsak senle dünya uzak düş aleminde
Sevişsek yakamoz misali denizlerde
Bakmaya doyamazdım
Sen bakıp da görmezdin
Ah davranabilseydim beni yakıp da gidemezdin
Gözler gözlerin yangından bakışların
Hiçbir yerde bulunmazdı
İmkansızca aşıktım
Bir masum bakış bir masum ateş
Bir görünür kaybolup giderdin
Tayin gönlümde lakin gizliceYeni Türkü - İmkansız -
Gecelere gölge gibi açılsak senle
Dünya uzak düş aleminde
Durdursak zamanı pervasız gecelerde
Açılsak senle dünya uzak düş aleminde
Sevişsek yakamoz misali denizlerde
Bakmaya doyamazdım
Sen bakıp da görmezdin
Ah davranabilseydim beni yakıp da gidemezdin
Gözler gözlerin yangından bakışların
Hiçbir yerde bulunmazdı
İmkansızca aşıktım Bakmaya doyamazdım
Sen bakıp da görmezdin
Ah davranabilseydim beni yakıp da gidemezdin
Şeytan çekici hallerden bakışlardan
Kendi kendime sığmazdım
İmkansızca aşıktım
Yeni Türkü - Impossible (English translation)
You were like a drop of water, a drop of fire
You were near and then you disappeared
But you stay in my heart secretly
If we took a step into the night like shadows
The world is distant in the state of dreams
If we stopped the time in the reckless nights
If we took a step into the world of dreams where the world is distant
If we made love like the phospherence in the sea
I could not take my eyes of you
You looked at me but didn´t see it
Ah if only I could do it, you would not left me behind burned
Your eyes your eyes are like of fire
They were one of a kind
I was in love, it was impossible
An innocent look an innocent fire
You were near and then disappeared
But you stay in my heart secretlyYeni Türkü - İmkansız -
If we took a step into the night like shadows
The world is distant in the state of dreams
If we stopped the time in the reckless nights
If we took a step into the world of dreams where the world is distant
If we made love like the phospherence in the sea
I could not take my eyes of you
And you looked at me but didn´t see it
Ah if only I could do it, you would not left me behind burned
Your eyes your eyes are like of fire
They were one of a kind
I was in love, it was impossible
I could not take my eyes of you
You looked at me but didn´t see it
Ah if only I could do it, you would not left me behind burned
Your eyes attracting me to you in a way I couldn´t help
Making me nervous
I was in love but it was impossible