Zabranjeno Pusenje
Zabranjeno Pusenje

Dok čekaš sabah sa šejtanom Lyrics English translation


Zabranjeno Pusenje - Dok čekaš sabah sa šejtanom

Sam djavo ti je dao
brzinu eskivaze i razoran udarac desnom
sam djavo te je spas'o
kad te Prco s burazerima
cek'o u mraku kod pivare I onda kad te agent 071
pedagoski treh'o o stanicni zid sivi
i uspio je da ubije Boga u tebi
al' djavo u tebi je ostao da zivi Ref.
I sad cekas Sabah sa sejtanom Pomogao ti je i onu noc
kada je rekla da sa fukarom nece
kad te umalo nije ugusila tugaZabranjeno Pusenje - Dok čekaš sabah sa šejtanom -
koliko si samo popio to vece Rek'o ti je da zivot tece dalje
rek'o ti je da ima jos zena
a ti si mu siroko otvorio dusu
i pustio u nju sejtana Ref. Cvikeras iz opcine je dolazio
nudio ti pos'o il' da ucis nauke
al' bilo je vec kasno
jos samo djavolu sluze tvoje tetovirane ruke Kafana je vec poodavno pusta
a prijatelj ti je ostao jos samo on
kucnuo si se i iskapio casu
dok cekas Sabah sa sejtanom Ref.

English translation

Zabranjeno Pusenje - While waiting for dawn with the devil (English translation)

Devil himself gave you
speedy weave and devastating right cross
Devil himself saved you
when Prco and his bro's
ambushed you in the dark by the brewery

and also when agent 071
educationally slammed you against gray station wall
and succeeded to kill the God in you
but devil in you stayed alive
(note: jargon: "kill the God in someone" - break every bone, kick the shit out of someone)

Now you are awaiting down with the devil

he helped you that night too
when she said that she doesn't want to be with a ragtagZabranjeno Pusenje - Dok čekaš sabah sa šejtanom -
when sorrow almost drowned you
(remember) just how much did you drink that night?

he told you "life goes on"
he told you there are other women
and you opened your soul wide to him
and have let the devil in it.


the four-eyes from in district came over
offering a job, or to get education
but it was already too late
only the devil, your hands are serving now

The pub is long deserted
and he is your only friend left
you tapped (yourself) and toped the glass
while waiting the down with the devil


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