Zabranjeno Pusenje - Yugo 45
Kažu da su čuda svijeta
piramide afričke
Kažu da su čuda svijeta
velike rijeke Indije Al' nijedno čudo nije
bilo ravno onome
kad je stari uparkir'o
u bašču Yugo 45 Skupio se sav komšiluk
i pola rodbine
ono pola nije moglo
nije moglo od muke Stara napravila mezu
ispekla 'urmašice
stari otiš'o u granap
po još logistike Ref.
Bilo je to dobro vrijeme
sve na kredit, sve za raju, jarane
u auto naspi čorbe
pa u Trst po farmerke Bilo je to dobro vrijeme
te na izlet, te malo na more
u kući puno smijeha
u bašči Yugo 45 Vozio komšija Franjo
da proda jabuke
vozio komšija MomoZabranjeno Pusenje - Yugo 45 -
da mu ženu porode Vozio ga daidža Mirso
kad je iš'o u kurvaluke
vozio ga malo i ja
kad bi mazn'o ključeve Ref. Virio sam jedno veče
iz bašče cuo glasove
Momo, Franjo, daidža Mirso
nešto tiho govore, onda pružiše si ruke Na komšiju se ne moze
onda popiše po jednu i razguliše
izgledao je baš mali to veče
naš Yugo 45 Pobjegli smo jednog jutra
s dvije kese najlonske
prvo malo Lenjinovom
pa preko Ljubljanske Danas nam je mnogo bolje
novi grad i novi stan
stari nam je postao fora
kantonalni ministar Ali meni je u glavi
uvijek ista slika, isti fleš
stara kuća, mala bašča
i u njoj Yugo 45 Ali meni je u glavi
uvijek ista slika, isti fleš
stara kuća, mala bašča
i Yugo 45
Zabranjeno Pusenje - Yugo 45 (English translation)
They say that the miracles of the world
are African pyramids
They say that the miracles of the world
are great rivers of India
But there was no miracle
like a miracle
when my old dad parked
Yugo 45 in our yard
The whole neighbourhood gathered
together with a half of relatives
The other half couldn't come
couldn't come because of envy
My old mom cooked some food
and baked traditional cakes
my old dad went to the store
to get some more "logistics"
It was a good time
everything on credit, everything for the folk and friends
pour some soup in your car
and go to Trieste to buy some jeans
It was a good time
going on picnics and the seaside
lots of laugh in the house
Yugo 45 in the yard
Neighbour Franjo was driving it
to sell his apples
neighbour Momo was driving itZabranjeno Pusenje - Yugo 45 -
to deliver his wife in the hospital
Uncle Mirso was driving it
when he was going to fuck with whores
I was also driving it
if I managed to steal the keys
One night I was peeking
I heard voices from the yard
Momo, Franjo and uncle Mirso
were talking quietly
You can't hit your neighbour,
so they drank one shot and split up
That night it looked so small,
our Yugo 45
We escaped one morning
with two nylon bags
first we were driving by the Lenin's Street
and then by the Street of Ljubljana
Today we live much better
new city and new apartment
our old dad made it big
he is a minister of our canton
But in my head
there is always the same picture, the same flash-back
old house, little yard
and Yugo 45 parked there
But in my head
there is always the same picture, the same flash-back
old house, little yard
and Yugo 45