Zana - Vojna Pošta
Vojna posta 100/3
mali grad na granici
bas je teska godina
kad kraj tebe nisam ja
Dok vojnici ratuju
cure za njih strahuju U kog pucas nocas tiZana - Vojna Pošta -
dok na mrtvoj strazi bdis
dal' te plase vukovi
dal' te brane drugovi Ko ti nocas drzi strah
dok ti vetar ledi dah ref:
Tuzne su, moje jeseni
kad nisi tu , u meni
Zana - Military mail (English translation)
Military mail 100/3
a little city on the border
It's a tough year
when i'm not near you
While the soldiers are fighting
their girlfriends are worried
Who are you shooting at tonightZana - Vojna Pošta -
while you are sleeping in a death lane
Are the wolfs scaring you
are your friends defending you
Who holds your fear tonight
while the wind freezes your breath
My autumns are sad
when you're not here, in me