Zbigniew Preisner
Zbigniew Preisner

Song For The Unification Of Europe Lyrics English translation


Zbigniew Preisner - Song For The Unification Of Europe

Εάν ταις γλώσσαις των ανθρώπων λαλώ και των αγγέλων
αγάπην δε μη έχω, γέγονα χαλκός ηχών ή κύμβαλον αλαλάζον. Και εάν έχω προφητείαν και ειδώ τα μυστήρια πάντα
ώστε όρη μεθιστάνειν, αγάπην δε μη έχω
ουδέν είμι. Η αγάπη μακροθυμεί, χρηστεύεται,
η αγάπη ου ζηλοί, η αγάπη ου περπερεύεται, ου φυσιούται. Πάντα στέγει, πάντα πιστεύει, πάντα ελπίζει, πάντα υπομένει, η αγάπη ουδέποτε εκπίπτει
είτε δε προφητείαι καταργηθήσονταιZbigniew Preisner - Song For The Unification Of Europe - http://motolyrics.com/zbigniew-preisner/song-for-the-unification-of-europe-lyrics-english-translation.html
είτε γλώσσαι παύσονται
είτε γνώσις καταργηθήσεται Νυνί δε μένει, πίστις, ελπίς, αγάπη,
τα τρία ταύτα,
μείζων δε τούτων η αγάπη. Submitter's comments:  Soundtrack of the film "Three Colours: Blue" (Trzy kolory. Niebieski, 1993) by Krzysztof Kieślowski.

English translation

Zbigniew Preisner - Song for the Unification of Europe (English translation)

If with the tongues of men I speak,
and of angels,
Love I do not have,
I have become a gong resounding or cymbal clanging.

And if I have the gift of prophecy,
and know mysteries all,Zbigniew Preisner - Song For The Unification Of Europe - http://motolyrics.com/zbigniew-preisner/song-for-the-unification-of-europe-lyrics-english-translation.html
faith mountains move,
Love I do not have, nothing I am.

Love is generous, virtuous,
Love does not envy, boast, not proud is.

All she protects, all she trusts, all she hopes, all she perseveres.

Love never she fails. Be it prophecies, they will cease,
Be it tongues, they will be stilled, be it knowledge it will cease.

So remain, Faith, Hope and Love, these three. But the greatest of these is Love.

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