Zeljko Bebek - Kaži mi pile moje
Otkako si otišla ti
Dani se vuku ko prosjaci
Mrtav sam ništa ne osjećam
Samo se opijam. Ne pitam s kim si
Pravim se lud
A srcu svom sam plaćam dug
Izgubih s tobom govora dar
A htio bih popravit stvar. Kaži mi, reci mi, pile moje ima li nade još za nas dvoje.Zeljko Bebek - Kaži mi pile moje - http://motolyrics.com/zeljko-bebek/kazi-mi-pile-moje-lyrics-english-translation.html
Kaži mi, reci mi, dušo najmilija da li me želiš još kao nekada. Mislio sam proći će sve
Prošle su druge, ma mogu i bez nje
Al mrtav sam ništa ne osjećam
Samo se opijam. Rekla si idem - dan nije loš
treba mi jedno parče još
Izgubio sam govora dar
a htio sam popravit stvar.
Zeljko Bebek - Tell Me My Dear (English translation)
Since you've been gone
The days are dragging like a begger
I'm dead, I dont feel anything
I'm just drinking
I'm not asking with who you are
I'm playing the fool
And I'm paying the dept to my heart
I cant even speak
And I would like to make things better
Tell me, tell me, my dear*, is there a hope for the two of us?Zeljko Bebek - Kaži mi pile moje - http://motolyrics.com/zeljko-bebek/kazi-mi-pile-moje-lyrics-english-translation.html
tell me, tell me, my dearest honey, do you still want me like before
I thought everything will go away
the others went away, i can do without them
But I'm dead, I dont feel anything
I'm only drinking
You said 'I'm going' - the day isnt bad
I need another piece
I couldnt even speak
And i wanted to make things better