
Prietenie adevarata Lyrics English translation


Adda - Prietenie adevarata

Uneori stau si ma gandesc Doamne
Nu stiu cum sa ii multumesc, cum,
Sa-i mutumesc pentru tot ce a facut,
Mi-a dat curaj sa devin cine acum sunt,
Ca m-a intarit: ''Fata mergi inainte,
O sa ai parte si de fapte nu doar de cuvinte!"
Orice ar fi voi fi aici mereu,
Stii bine te poti baza ai sprijinu' meu,
Mi-ai dat Doamne tot ce-i mai se putea..
Mi-ai dat speranta s-o traiesc si-o traiesc prin ea
Mi-a fost alaturi zile bune si nopti grele
Cand plangeam din despartiri sau barfe rele
De mici copii ea mereu ma apara,
Acum ca e mare e ca si mama mea..
Ma alinta,ma rasfata cat se poate
Si-mi da si pumni sa ma trezesc la realitate Refr.:
Cazi ... Te ridici ...Tot ce-ti zici e RABDARE
Plangi ... Te distrugi ... Vrei sa fugi ... Si te doare
Dai tot ce ai si ce n-ai ... Totusi pare ca nu te descurci le pui lumea la picioare Acum vad a venit si randul meu,Adda - Prietenie adevarata -
Sa am grija de ea,asa cum a facut ea mereu
Si nu pot Doamne mainile imi sunt legate
Nu pot sa fac sa o trezesc la realitate
Sa pot sa spun ca viata nu e nedreapta
Sa uite tot ce-a fost ca-i fata desteapta
Ca merita tot ce e mai bun
Trecutul e trecut viitorul conteaza acum
Daca as putea i-as da parte din mine
Vreau sa o vad zambind, urland de fericire
Se spune ca putem s-o luam de la capat,
Sa dau peste amintiri asa doar in treacat
Ca astazi cazi,te ridici,maine-ti trece
Sa-i amintesc ca unde-s doi puterea creste
Ca impreuna trecem peste tot
Ca o prietenie trece si prin FOC Refr:
Cazi..Te ridici..Tot ce zici e RABDARE
Plangi... Te distrugi ... Vrei sa fugi ... Si te doare
Dai tot ce ai si ce n-ai..Totusi pare ca nu te descurci ... sa le pui lumea la

English translation

Adda - True friendship (English translation)

Sometimes I stand still and think: God,
I don't know how to thank her
To thank her for all she's done for me.
For having encouraged me to become who I am,
For giving me the strength to go on and telling me
"Words will turn into deeds soon,
Whatever happens, I'll always be here for you
You know you can rely on me, I'll always support you"
God, she gave me the most beautiful things she could
She's brought the hope in my life and I'm still living with it thanks to her
She's been by my side whether I've lived goog or bad moments
When I was down because of heartaches or betrayals
Since we were two little girls, she has always taken my part
Now, that we've grown up, she's like a second mother to me
She soothes me and spoils me as much as possible,
She even slaps me in order to make me open my eyes.

You fall...and then you stand up..."Be patient" is all you tell yourself
You've been going to want to leave...and it's painful
But seemingly, despite your earnest still can't bring the world to their knees.

I guess now it's time for meAdda - Prietenie adevarata -
To take care of her like she always did
But God, I can't help her, my hands are bound
I can't do anything to open her eyes
I wish I could tell her that life's not unfair
And make her forget everything that's been
And believe that she deserves nothing but the best
The past has passed away, the future is all that matters now
If I could, I would give all of me
I want to see her smiling and hear her screaming of joy
And tell her we can start over again now,
And come across memories without being affected anymore.
Because if you fall today and then stand up, tomorrow it'll be as if nothing had happened
I want to remind her that many hands make the light work,
That together we can overcome anything,
Because even the fire can't melt the friendship away.

You fall...and then you stand up..."Be patient" is all you tell yourself
You've been going to want to leave...and it's painful
But seemingly, despite your earnest still can't bring the world to their knees.

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