Bosquito - Cand ingerii pleaca
De o noapte tot te privesc
Si ma arde vina
Ca nu pot vreodata sa-ti spun
Ca imi esti lumina Dormi usor si-n brate ma ierti
Si-mi respiri in mana
Tu ti-ai pus si-n suflet chezas
Iar eu-ti dau furtuna Refren:
Cand ingerii pleaca
Demonul sunt eu
Strange-ma sa uit de mine
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau
Cand ingerii pleaca.. Esti frumoasa asa cum nu e
Si cum n-a fost nimeni
Te privesc si iar n-o sa-ti spun
Ca si ieri si maine Cand ma imbrac cu zambetul tau
Orice iad dispare
Ca zapada ninsa-n desert
Dimineata-n soare Refren
Cand ingerii pleaca
Demonul sunt euBosquito - Cand ingerii pleaca -
Strange-ma sa uit de mine
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau Cand ingerii pleaca
Cand ingerii cad
Mai ascunde-ma odata
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau
Cand ingerii pleaca... Viata mea a fost ca un vant
Care bate-n prora
M-a muscat de suflet mereu
Floare carnivora Ai rabdare copil al meu
Inima-mi dezleaga
Si-ai sa vezi ca eu m-am nascut
Sa te fac intreaga Refren
Cand ingerii pleaca
Demonul sunt eu
Strange-ma sa uit de mine
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau Cand ingerii pleaca
Cand ingerii cad
Mai ascunde-ma odata
La pieptul tau, la pieptul tau
Cand ingeriï pleaca...
Bosquito - When Angels Leave (English translation)
It's been one night since I've been watching you
And I'm burned by the guilt
Of not ever being able to tell you
That you are my light.
You easily fall asleep, take me into your arms and forgive me
And breathe into my cupped hands
You've even granted your soul
And now I'm giving you storms
When angels leave
The (only) demon is me
Make me forget myself by clasping me
In your arms, in your arms
When angels leave...
You're so beautiful like no one is
And like no one has ever been
I'm gazing at you and again - I'm not going to tell you
That both yesterday and tomorrow
When I surround myself with your smile
Any trace of hell vanishes
Just like snow in the desert
And morning in the sun.
When angels leave
The (only) demon is meBosquito - Cand ingerii pleaca -
Make me forget myself by clasping me
In your arms, in your arms
When angels leave ...
When angels leave
When angels fall (down on earth)
Hide me one more time
In your arms, in your arms
My life's been like a wind
Blowing against a ship
It has always bitten my soul away
(Just like a) carnivorous flower
Be patient, my child
Unchain my heart
And you will see that I was born
To complete you
When angels leave
The (only) demon is me
Make me forget myself by clasping me
In your arms, in your arms
When angels leave ...
When angels leave
When angels fall (down on earth)
Hide me one more time
In your arms, in your arms