Bug Mafia
Bug Mafia

Am Lasat O Lacrima Lyrics English translation


Bug Mafia - Am Lasat O Lacrima

Nu inca,inca nu sunt pregatit sa mor,nu inca,inca nu sunt pregatit sa mor. REFREN:
"Simt cateodata ca totul se prabusestee pe mine,Si orice as face nu tine,park toti au ceva,cevaa cu mine,dar nu sunt inca pregatit sa mor sti bine,Am lasat o lacrima sa curga pe masa,si am zis ca plec,ca nu mai vin diseara aksa,am gasit raspunsul la intrebari pe fundul sticlei,nu sunt inca pregatit sa mor.sti bine." 1.Cand ai adus bani in casa,si-a trecut ceva timp,ai preferat sa bei,asa nu e greu nimic,ai datorii peste tot,ai incercat sa faci totul dar n-ai reusit sa faci nimik,frate ,asta e jocul,,pe billet ai scris ca nu mai vi diseara aksa,ai zis ca vrei sa mori,ca te-ai saturat de viata,pe masa ai lasat o lacrima ,si ai plecat,n-ai intrebat nimic pe nimeni,viata ta e viata ta,te-ai saturat sa zambesti de park totul ar merge bine,ai gasit raspunsul la intrebari pe fundul sticlei,n-ai avut nevoie de nimeni si nimic,insa nu esti pregatit inca sa mori.cred ca sti. REFRENBug Mafia - Am Lasat O Lacrima - http://motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/am-lasat-o-lacrima-lyrics-english-translation.html
2.te-ai intalnit cu viata si ai intrebat-o de ce-I t**** ,ea ti-a raspuns ca ma confunzi,eu sunt lichidul din sticla si fumul care iese,dintr-o tigare aprinsa sau sunt blonda care tipa cu lumina stinsa,au batut la usa ta baieti la care esti dator ,minciuna n-a mers prea departe ,vor sa-ti dea omor.ai incercat sa te scot si de datat asta,le-ai promis de datat asta te-ai jurat pe mata,aveai acelasi pachet de tigari in buzunar,acelasi ser pe terasa,de-ar fi sa mori.,singurul loc ar fi pe strada ,totul se prabuseste pe tine,ca asa simti cateodata. REFREN
3.Ai scandal ca ajung seara aksa ,te-ai saturat peste cap de lecti de viata,sticla in mana si bei si bei tata,dar totusi inca simti ca vrei sa mori cateodata,nu mai raspunzi la telefon ,de ceva zile,ai inceput sa-ti cumperi droguri cu bani de chirie,sit e-au gasit la spital in ma putinb de o luna ,ca ai ajuns sa-ti tai venele ptr o t****,ai zis ca vrei sa bei diseara,hai bea frate,ai plecat peste tot,sa uiti de tot si de toate,ai lasat ;lacrima sa curga pe masa,si ai zis a vrei sa mori,ca asa simtï cateodata.

English translation

Bug Mafia - Am Lasat O Lacrima (English translation)

No not yet,I am not yet ready to die,not yet, I am not yet ready to die.

"Sometimes I feel that everything is collapsing on me, and anything I am doing isn't abiding, it seems that everyone has, has something with me(i.e. trouble/have a run-in with so.),but I am not yet ready to die, you know it very well. I let a tear flow on the tableland I said that I am leaving, that I won't return at home this evening at home, I found the answer to the questions on the ground of the bottle, I am not yet ready to die, you know it very well."

When you brought some money to your home, and some time passed, you preferred to drink, in this way nothing is hard, you have everywhere debts, you tried to do anything but nothing worked, brother, that's the game, on the ticket/note you wrote that you won't come back at home this evening, you said that you want to die, that you are fed up with your life, on the table you let a tear and you left, you didn't ask anybody anything, your life is your life, you are fed up to smile as if everything works out, you found the answer to the questions on the ground of the bottle, you didn't lack anybody and anything, but you are not yet ready to die, I think you know it.

You met life and you asked it why it is a b***,it answered you, you are confounding me, I am the fluidity of the bottle and the fume which is coming out of a lighted cigarette or I am the blond who is screaming with the off light, the boys were knocking on your door whom you owe something, the lie didn't go very far, they want to kill you. You tried to pull you out this time again, you promised them this time, you swore on your mother. You had the same cigarette packet in the jacket, the same serum on the terrace, if you died the only place would be the street, everything is collapsing on you, because in this way you feel sometimes.

You have a scandal because you reach home in the evening, you are really fed up with the life-lessons, the bottle in the hand and you drink and drink Dad, but nevertheless you still feel that you want to die sometimes, you don't answer anymore on the phone, since some days you started to buy drugs for you from the rent money, and they found you in hospital in less than one month, because you attained to cut your veins for a bi***,you said that you want to drink in the evening, come on, drink brother, you were everywhere to forget everything for ever, you let the tear to flow on the table, and you said that you want to die because you feel in this way sometimes.

Bug Mafia - Am Lasat O Lacrima - http://motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/am-lasat-o-lacrima-lyrics-english-translation.html

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