Bug Mafia
Bug Mafia

Romaneste Lyrics English translation


Bug Mafia - Romaneste

I:Taci, taci, taci ! Taci dracu'!
Daca mai scoti un cuvant cred ca-mi explodeaza
Esti senator, dai sperante pe la televizor
Cand tu de fapt vrei doar sa furi in viitor
Te acuz de abuz,
Furi viitorul meu si al altor cateva milioane de
Si eu ti-o dau la ***
Nu accept si nu suport pe unul care cauta ciresa
ca s-o infiga in tort
Ce ne mai povestesti tu, ne omori cu zile
La fiecare patru ani oferi pastile ca un
traficant de bile
Da' cu costum, camasa alba si cu cravata
Nu reprezinti decat o pata pe acea harta
Facuta pentru noi toti din ganduri de mai bine
ale unor oameni morti
Romaneste iti spun, daca este se compar
Ar trebui eliberati toti cei din penitenciar. Refren(x3):
(Ca) Tu esti ala care-mi spune mie
Ca tu vrei sa m-ajuti sa traiesc
Cand tu vrei sa-mi dai moartea in dar
Nu eu, tu ar trebui sa fii la penitenciar. II: E din ce in ce mai rau insa tu vorbesti de bine
Promiti de fiecare data zile mai senine
Lumea e satula de atata cacat
Pe care tu l-ai mancat la fiecare mandat
Adica tu esti ala care ne-ngroapa de vii
Care ne fura si ultima sansa de a trai.Bug Mafia - Romaneste - http://motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/romaneste-lyrics-english-translation.html
Esti doar un amator de viata buna ***
In rest, doar te doare in ***
Copiii se nasc fara nici un viitor
Deci domnule ministru, deputat sau senator
Cand tu apari mereu cu masca ta
La fel si tot de atatea ori iti doresc eu tie
Lacomia ta e mare pentru o tara in care
Trebuie sa furi ca sa iti iei mancare
Romaneste iti spun, daca este se compar
Ar trebui eliberati toti cei din penitenciar. Refren(x3):.. III: Nu cumva tu mi-ai furat o vila, o masina
O urma de speranta sa mai ies la lumina
Nu mai spune tu ce e bine si ce nu
Nu vorbi tu de dreptate ca nu stii ce inseamna,
Nu e nici o vrajeala, nu e nici o caterinca
Fur de la tine, intelegi de ce, fiindca..
Un copil fura dintr-un magazin, ia 4 ani
Un minstru corupt, ce face el...doarme pe bani
Il *** in gat, ii iau tot si traiesc ca el
Si sa traiasca el ca mine fara bani in cartier
La acelasi nivel cu toata lumea din strada
Sa se gandeasca la ce *** sa puna pe masa
Ca daca eu sunt criminal, tu ce esti, unul legal
A, da, tu esti un criminal legal.
Romaneste iti spun, daca este se compar
Ar trebui eliberati toti cei din penitenciar. Refren(x3):..

English translation

Bug Mafia - Romaneste (English translation)

Shut up, shut up, shut up! Shut the f**k up!
Daca mai scoti un cuvant cred ca-mi explodeaza
Another word from you and my head will blow off
You're a senator, giving hopes at the TV
When all you do is to steal from the future
I accuse you of abuse
Furi viitorul meu si al altor cateva milioane de
You're stealing mine and other milion romanian's future
F**k you
Nu accept si nu suport pe unul care cauta ciresa
I don't accept it and i can't stand to wait for someone to put the cherry on the cake
What you keep telling us, you kill us slowly
La fiecare patru ani oferi pastile ca un
Every 4 years you give pills like a traficant o
But with a suite, white shirt and
You only represent a spot on that map
Facuta pentru noi toti din ganduri de mai bine
Made for all of us from toughts for better coming from dead people
I'm telling you in a romanian way, if it would be to compare
All the prisoners should be set free

(Cause) You're the one who's telling me
That you want to help me live
When all you want to do is to give me death as a present
It's not me, but you who should be in prison

It get's worse and worse each day, but you only talk about good
You allways promise better days
People are sick of all this sh*t
That you've eaten with every mandate
You're the one who's burying us alive
Who steals even our last chance to liveBug Mafia - Romaneste - http://motolyrics.com/bug-mafia/romaneste-lyrics-english-translation.html
You're just a lover of good life
Otherwise, you don't give a f**k
Children are born without having a future
So, mr. minister, deputy or senator
As you show up with your mask on
La fel si tot de atatea ori iti doresc eu tie
That's how many time i wish you'd die
Your greed is to big for a country where
You have to steal to get some food
I'm telling you in a romanian way, if it would be to compare
All the prisoners should be set free


Didn't you stole a villa, a car
A piece of hope that i'd see the light again
Stop telling what's right or wrong
Nu vorbi tu de dreptate ca nu stii ce inseamna,
Stop talking about justing, when you have no idea what it means, bro'
This is no bullsh*t, i'm not f**king with you
I'm stealing from you, you see, because...
A kid steals from a store and gets 4 years of prison
A corrupt minister, what is he doing... he's sleeping on money
F**k him, i'll take him everything and live like he does
And he should live like me, in a ghetto
Like everyone else does
Thinking about what the f**k they will eat
Cause if i'm a criminal, then what are you, a legal one?
Oh, sure, you're a legal criminal
I'm telling you in a romanian way, if it would be to compare
All the prisoners should be set free


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