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Constatin Florescu

Tangoul de demult Lyrics English translation


Constatin Florescu - Tangoul de demult

De câte ori ascult
tangoul de demult
aud cum cheamă-n noapte
cu vechile lui şoapte
neşterse amintiri … Prin ani, ca un ecou
parcă-l aud din nou
şi azi mi-aduc aminte
vreo câteva cuvinte
din cel mai vechi tangou. Revăd şi noaptea albastră
când l-am cântat pe sub fereastrăConstatin Florescu - Tangoul de demult -
şi numai el ştia
povestea mea, povestea noastră. O simplă melodie
făcea din noapte o poezie,
de-atunci sunt multe primăveri,
când au trecut, parc-a fost ieri. De câte ori ascult
tangoul de demult,
spre visul de-odinioară,
cu dor ne cheamă iară
tangoul de demult.

English translation

Constatin Florescu - The tango of past times (English translation)

For the umpteenth time I listen
to the tango of the past
I hear how at night it calls,
with its old whispers,
the everlasting memories...

Through years, as an echo
It seems I hear it again
and today I remember
some words
of that very old tango.

I can see that blue night again
when I sung it beneath your windowConstatin Florescu - Tangoul de demult -
and only it knew
about my story, our story.

A simple melody
changed the night into poetry,
since then many springs have gone by
but it seems like it was yesterday.

For the umpteenth time I listen
to the tango of the past
with nostalgia it calls us
to our dream of other times,
the tango of the past.

For the song "Tangoul de demult", there are 2 versions of the english translation:

version [1]version [2]

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