Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato

Nightingale Lyrics Serbian translation


Demi Lovato - Nightingale

I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused
Everything is in line, but I am bruised
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero, is it you?
I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me Can you be my Nightingale?
Sing to me, I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace, sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my Nightingale Somebody speak to me
'cause I'm feeling like hell
Need you to answer me, I'm overwhelmed
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me homeDemi Lovato - Nightingale -
I need a star to follow, I don't know
I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time for you to find me Can you be my Nightingale?
Sing to me, I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace, sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my Nightingale I don't know what I'd do without you
Your words are like a whisper, come through
As long as you're with me here tonight, I'm good Can you be my Nightingale?
Feel so close, I know you're there
Oh, Nightingale
Sing to me, I know you're there
'Cause baby you're my sanity
You bring me peace, sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my Nightingale, oh

Serbian translation

Demi Lovato - Slavuj (Serbian translation)

Večeras ne mogu da spavam, budna sam i jako zbunjena
Sve je u redu, ali ja sam modra
Treba mi glas da odjakne, treba mi svetlost da me odvede kući
Treba mi heroj, jesi li to ti?
Nikada nisam shvatila suštinu, zbilja bih mogla da upotrebim tvoju melodiju
Dušo, malo sam zaslepljena, mislim da je vreme da me nađeš

Možeš li biti moj slavuj, pevaj mi, znam da si tu. Mogao bi biti moj razum, donesi mi mir, pevaj mi da zaspim.
Reci da ćeš biti moj slavuj

Neka mi se neko obrati, jer imam osećaj da sam u paklu
Trebaš mi da mi odgovoriš, skrhana sam
Treba mi glas da odjakne, treba mi svetlost da me odvede kućiDemi Lovato - Nightingale -
Treba mi heroj, jesi li to ti?
Nikada nisam shvatila suštinu, zbilja bih mogla da upotrebim tvoju melodiju
Dušo, malo sam zaslepljena, mislim da je vreme da me nađeš

Možeš li biti moj slavuj, pevaj mi, znam da si tu. Mogao bi biti moj razum, donesi mi mir, pevaj mi da zaspim. Reci da ćeš biti moj slavuj

Ne znam šta bih bez tebe
Tvoje reči su poput šapata, dođi
Sve dok si večeras ovde sa mnom, dobro mi je

Možeš li biti moj slavuj, osećam te, znam da si tu.
Ohhhh, pevaj mi, slavuju, znam da si tu
Jer, dušo, ti si moj razum, donesi mi mir, pevaj mi da zaspim.
Reci da ćeš biti moj slavuj

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