Depeche Mode - World In My Eyes
Let me take you on a trip
Let me take you on a trip
Let me take you on a trip
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
Let me take you on a trip
Around the world and back
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to move
And you won't have to moveDepeche Mode - World In My Eyes -
You just sit still
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me take you on trip
Let me take you on trip, trip, trip, trip
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Let me show you the world in my eyes
Depeche Mode - Lumea in ochii mei (Romanian translation)
Lasa-ma sa te duc intr-o calatorie
In jurul lumii si inapoi
Iar tu nu trebuie sa te misti
Tu doar stai nemiscat(a)
Acum lasa-ti mintea sa umble
Si lasa trupul meu sa vorbeasca
Lasa-ma sa-ti arat lumea in ochii mei
Te voi duce la cel mai inalt munte
In adancurile celei mai adanci mari
Nu vom avea nevoie de o harta, crede-ma
Acum lasa trupul meu sa se miste
Si lasa mainile mele sa alineDepeche Mode - World In My Eyes -
Lasa-ma sa-ti arat lumea in ochii mei
Asta e tot ce este
Nimic mai mult decat poti simti acum
Asta e tot ce este
Lasa-ma sa te pun pe un vapor
Intr-o calatorie lunga,lunga
Buzele tale aproape de buzele mele
Toate insulele din ocean
Tot cerul e in miscare
Lasa-ma sa-ti arat lumea in ochii mei
Asta e tot ce este
Nimic mai mult decat poti atinge acum
Asta e tot ce este
Lasa-ma sa-ti arat lumea in ochii mei