DJ Project - Nu
Orice mi-ai spune-acum e in zadar,
Iubirea ta imi lasa un gust amar,
Itzi spun…
sa nu ma intorci iarasi din drum…
Si vreau sa pleci din viatza mea,
Acuma as vrea sa te pot uita,
Tu… tu… nu stii sa iubeshti… Refren :
Nu…nu vreau sa spui ca-tzi cer prea mult,DJ Project - Nu -
Vreau sa-mi dai doar un sarut de ramas-bun De ce imi ceri in urma sa privesc,
Cand mii de ganduri ma tot urmaresc ?
Dar nu…
Nu ma intorc iarasi din drum….
Si vreau sa pleci din viatza mea,
Acuma as vrea sa te pot uita,
Tu… tu… nu stii sa iubeshti…
DJ Project - No (English translation)
Everything that you tell me is useless now
Your love fills me with bitterness
I'm telling you...
Don't hold me back again
And I want you to walk out of my life
Now I wish I could forget you't know how to love
No...I don't want you to tell me that I ask too much of youDJ Project - Nu -
Al I want now is that you kiss me goodbye
Why do you ask me to look behind
Since thousands of thoughts have been haunting my mind?
But no...
This time I won't change my mind again
And I want you to walk out of my life
Now I wish I could forget you't know how to love