
Stan Lyrics Bosnian translation


Eminem - Stan

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I?
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I?
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't callin'
I left my cell, my pager
And my home phone at the bottom
I sent two letters back in autumn
You must not have got 'em
It probably was a problem
At the post office or somethin'

Sometimes I scribble addresses
Too sloppy when I jot 'em
But anyways fuck it
What's been up man, how's your daughter?
My girlfriend's pregnant too
I'm out to be a father
If I have a daughter, guess what I'm a call her?
I'm a name her Bonnie

I read about your Uncle Ronnie too, I'm sorry
I had a friend kill himself over some bitch
Who didn't want him
I know you probably hear this everyday
But I'm your biggest fan
I even got the underground shit that you did with scam

I got a room full of your posters
And your pictures man
I like the shit you did with Ruckus too
That shit was fat
Anyways I hope you get this, man
Hit me back just to chat
Truly yours, your biggest fan
This is Stan

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I?
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

Dear Slim, you still ain't called or wrote
I hope you have the chance, I ain't mad
I just think it's fucked up, you don't answer fans
If you didn't want to talk to me
Outside the concert you didn't have to
But you could've signed an autograph for Matthew
That's my little brother man

He's only 6 years old
We waited in the blistering cold for you
For 4 hours and you just said "No"
That's pretty shitty man
You're like his fuckin' idol
He wants to be just like you man
He likes you more than I do

I ain't that mad though I just don't like bein' lied to
Remember when we met in Denver
You said if I write to you, you would write back
See I'm just like you in a way
I never knew my father neither
He used to always cheat on my mom and beat her

I can relate to what you're sayin' in your songs
So when I have a shitty day
I drift away and put 'em on
Cause I don't really got shit else
So that shit helps when I'm depressed
I even got a tattoo
With your name across the chest

Sometimes I even cut myself
To see how much it bleeds?
It's like Adrenaline
The pain is such a sudden rush for me
See everything you say is real
And I respect you 'cause you tell it
My girlfriend's jealous
'Cause I talk about you 24/7

But she don't know you like
I know you Slim, no one does
She don't know what it was like?
For people like us growing up
You've gotta call me man
I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose
Sincerely yours, Stan
P.S. We should be together too

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I?
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all

And even if I could it'd all be grayEminem - Stan - http://motolyrics.com/eminem/stan-lyrics-bosnian-translation.html
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

Dear Mister, I'm too good to call or write my fans
This'll be the last package I ever send your ass
It's been six months and still no word
I don't deserve it?
I know you got my last two letters
I wrote the addresses on 'em perfect

So this is my cassette I'm sending you
I hope you hear it
I'm in the car right now
I'm doing 90 on the freeway
Hey Slim, I drink a fifth of vodka
Ya dare me to drive?

You know this song by Phil Collins
'From the air in the night'
About that guy who could have saved
That other guy from drowning?
But didn't, then Phil saw it all
Then at his show he found him

That's kinda how this is
You could have rescued me from drowning
Now it's too late
I'm on a thousand downers, now I'm drowsy

And all I wanted was a lousy letter or a call
I hope you know
I ripped all your pictures off the wall
I loved you Slim, we could have been together
Think about it, you ruined it now

I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream, I hope you can't sleep
And you scream about it
I hope your conscious eats at you
And you can't breathe without me

See Slim, "Shut up bitch!
I'm trying to talk"
Hey Slim, that's my girlfriend screaming in the trunk
But I didn't slit her throat I just tied her up
See I ain't like you
'Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more
And then she'll die too

Well gotta go
I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh shit! I forgot!
How am I supposed to send this shit out?

My tea's gone cold I'm wondering why I?
Got out of bed at all
The morning rain clouds up my window
And I can't see at all
And even if I could it'd all be gray
But your picture on my wall
It reminds me that it's not so bad
It's not so bad

Dear Stan, I meant to write you sooner
But I've just been busy
You said your girlfriend's pregnant now
How far along is she?
Look I'm really flattered
You would call your daughter that
And here's an autograph for your brother
I wrote it on your starter cap

I'm sorry I didn't see you at the show
I must have missed you
Don't think I did that shit intentionally
Just to diss you
And what's this shit you said about
You like to cut your wrist too?
I say that shit just clownin' dawg
C'mon, how fucked up is you?

You got some issues Stan
I think you need some counselin''
To help your ass from bouncin' off the walls
When you get down some
And what's this shit about us
Meant to be together?
That type of shit'll make me not want us
To meet each other

I really think you and your girlfriend
Need each other
Or maybe you just need to treat her better
I hope you get to read this letter
I just hope it reaches you in time
Before you hurt yourself
I think that you'll be doin' just fine
If you'd relax a little

I'm glad I inspire you
But Stan, why are you so mad?
Try to understand
That I do want you as a fan
I just don't want you to do some crazy shit
I seen this one shit on the news
A couple weeks ago that made me sick

Some dude was drunk and drove his car over a bridge
And had his girlfriend in the trunk
And she was pregnant with his kid
And in the car they found a tape
But it didn't say who it was to?
Come to think about it
His name was, it was you! Damn!

Bosnian translation

Eminem - Stan (Bosnian translation)


Moj čaj se ohladio, pitam se zašto
Sam uopšte ustala iz kreveta.
Jutarnja kiša zaklinje moj prozor,
I ništa ne mogu vidjeti.
A i da mogu, sve bi ionako bilo sivo,
Ali tvoja slika na zidu
Me podsjeća da i nije tako loše,
Nije tako loše.2X

Dragi Slim,
Pisao sam ti, ali još se ne javljaš. Ostavio sam broj mobitela, pejdžer i kućni broj na dnu. Poslao sam dva pisma jesenas, sigurno ih nisi dobio. Sigurno je bio neki problem u pošti ili nešto. Ponekad prealjkavo naškrabam adrese kad ih bilježim, ali kako god, pusti to. Šta ima, čovječe, kako ti je kćerka? I moja djevojka je trudna, uskoro ću biti otac. Ako to bude djevojčica, pogodi koje ću joj ime dati? Nazvat ću je Bonnie. Čitao sam o tvojem daidži Ronnieu, moja sućut. Imao sam prijatelja koji se ubio zbog neke k--e koja ga nije htjela. Znam da ovo sigurno čuješ svaki dan, ali ja sam tvoj najveći fan. Imam čak i ono "underground" čudo što si napravio sa Scamom. Imam sobu punu tvojih postera i slika, čovječe. Sviđa mi se i stvar koju si snimio sa Rucusom, takođe, to je bilo veliko. Kako god, nadam se da ćeš ovo dobiti, piši mi, samo za ćaskanje.Eminem - Stan - http://motolyrics.com/eminem/stan-lyrics-bosnian-translation.html
Istinski tvoj najveći fan, Stan

Dragi Slim,
Još me nisi zvao ili pisao. Nadam se da si imao priliku. Nisam ljut, samo mislim da je grozno to što ne odgovaraš fanovima. Ako nisi htio razgovarati sa mnom nakon koncerta, nisi morao, ali si mogao potpisati autogram za Matthewa. To je moj mali brat, čovječe, ima samo šest godina. Čekali smo te po nepodnošljivoj hladnoći četiri sata, a ti si samo rekao 'Ne'. To je poprilično nisko, čovječe, ti si kao, njegov prokleti idol. Želi biti baš kao ti, voli te više nego ja. Nisam toliko bijesan, samo ne volim da mi se laže. Sjeti se kad smo se upoznali u Denveru, rekao si da ako ti budem pisao, vratit ćeš mi. Vidiš, ja sam na neki način baš kao ti. Ni ja nikad nisam znao svog oca, stalno je varao i tukao moju mamu. Mogu se poistovijetiti s onim što govoriš u svojim pjesmama, pa kad imam loš dan, skrenem s uma i pustim ih jer nemam ništa drugo pa to pomaže kad sam deprimiran. Čak imam i tetovažu tvoga imena preko grudi. Ponekad se siječem da vidim koliko krvari, to je kao adrenalin, bol je tako jaka emocija za mene. Sve što ti kažeš je stvarno, i poštujem te jer to govoriš. Moja djevojka je ljubomorna jer stalno pričam o tebi. Ali ona te ne zna kao ja, Slim, niko ne zna. Ona ne zna kako je ljudima kao nama bilo odrastati. Moraš me nazvati, čovječe, bit ću najveći fan kojeg ćeš izgubiti.
Iskreno tvoj, Stan
P.S.: Mi bismo trebali biti zajedno, takođe.


Dragi gospodine Ja-Sam-Predobar-Da-Zovem-Ili-Pišem-Svojim-Fanovima,
Ovo je zadnje što ću ti ikad poslati. Prošlo je šest mjeseci i još ni riječi. Ne zaslužujem to? Znam da si dobio moja zadnja dva pisma, napisao sam adrese savršeno. Pa, ovo je moja kaseta koju ti šaljem, nadam se da ćeš je preslušati. Sada sam u autu, vozim 90 na autoputu. Hej, Slim, popio sam skoro cijelu votku, izazivaš me da vozim? Znaš onu pjesmu od Phila Collinsa "In the air of the night" o čovjeku koji je mogao spasiti ovog drugog od utapanja, ali nije, i tada je Phil sve to shvatio i našao tog čovjeka na emisiji? Tako nekako i ovo izgleda, ti si mene mogao spasiti od utapanja. Sad je prekasno, na hiljadu sam tableta za smirenje i ošamućen sam. A sve što sam željeo je jedno obično pismo ili poziv. Želim da znaš da sam odlijepio sve tvoje slike sa zida. Volim te, Slim, mogli smo biti zajedno! Razmisli o tome! Ali sad si sve uništio, nadam se da ne možeš zaspati i sanjaš o tome. I kad sanjaš nadam se da ne možeš spavati i vrištiš! Nadam se da te grižnja savjesti jede, i ne možeš disati bez mene! Vidiš, Slim... Šuti, vještice, pokušavam pričati! Hej, Slim, to je moja djevojka, vrišti iz gepeka. Ali, ja joj nisam prerezao vrat, samo sam je zavezao. Vidiš, ja nisam kao ti. Jer, ako se uguši, još će više patiti, i onda će i ona umrijeti. Pa, sada moram ići, skoro sam na mostu. Ne, zaboravio sam... Kako ću ovo poslati?


Dragi Stan,
Mislio sam ti pisati ranije, ali sam bio zauzet. Rekao si da ti je djevojka trudna, koliko joj je još ostalo? Vidi, stvarno sam polaskan što ćeš tako nazvati svoju kćerku. I evo autograma za tvoga brata, napisao sam ga na kačketu. Žao mi je što te nisam vidio na šouu, sigurno sam te profulio. Nemoj misliti da sam to uradio namjerno, samo da bih te naljutio. A šta je ono što kažeš da i ti voliš sebi rezati vene? Rekao sam da je to samo glupiranje, hajde, koliko si skrenuo? Imaš nekih problema, Stan, mislim da trebaš savjetovanje. Da ti se pomogne, da ne bi odletio kad malo siđeš dole. I kako misliš, nama je suđeno da budemo zajedno? Takve stvari me navraćaju da ne želim da se upoznamo. Stvarno mislim da ti i tvoja djevojka trebate jedno drugo, ili bi je možda trebao tretirati bolje. Nadam se da ćeš pročitati ovo pismo, samo da stigne do tebe na vrijeme, prije nego što se ozlijediš. Mislim da ćeš biti sasvim uredu ako se malo smiriš. Drago mi je da te inspirišem, ali, Stan, zašto si tako ljut? Pokušaj razumjeti da ja tebe želim za fana, samo ne želim da radiš neke ludosti. Vidio sam ovu glupost na vijestima prije nekoliko sedmica od koje me se smučilo; neki pijani luđak je vozio auto preko mosta, a djevojka mu je bila u gepeku. Bila je trudna s njegovim djetetom. U autu su našli kasetu, ali nisu rekli za koga je. Kad malo bolje razmislim, njegovo ime je bilo... to si bio ti...

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