Good Religion

Grandstanding Form The Cheapseats Lyrics

Grandstanding Form The Cheapseats video

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Good Religion - Grandstanding Form The Cheapseats lyrics

born with these opinions we've chosen to ignore things once worth fighting for mean nothing anymore the best laid plans the complicated schemes marginalization of a people's hopes and dreams the common man never had a choice too pushed aside to use our voice does our pride still run so deep that we don't mind being put to sleep the opulent look down with madisonian disdain at the titilated insects too complacent to complain with pavlovian precision doing just what we are told too entertained to realize the extent of their control the common man never had a choice too pushed aside to use our voice does our pride still run so deep that we don't mind being put to sleep ignore your dubious pretense of freedom in a different way oppression masked by false consent over one hundred fifty million without a thing to say without a thing to say.Good Religion - Grandstanding Form The Cheapseats -

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