Greg Scherff - That's The Way It Goes
You don't know but, you've just been served
All this time, is this what you deserve
Now face the madness, and take what you can learn
It's a fact of life, play with fire and you'll get burned... urned... How many lessons, before I learn
Turn... the page, divide the book of life and take a look (it goes...) [Chorus]
Two chapters, plain type, black and white I know
It's something simple, leave a check before you go
Make it out, to the one who hurt you most
It don't make sense, but hey that's life that's the way it goes Now what's it matter, what you've been told
I get more stupid, as I'm getting olderGreg Scherff - That's The Way It Goes -
Gotta break this habit, and turn a new leaf over
Who the f**k am I..kidding, just hand the damn pen over... ver...How many lessons, before I learn
Turn... the page divide the book of life and take a look (it goes...) [Chorus]
Two chapters, plain type, black and white I know
It's something simple, leave a check before you go
Make it out, to the one who hurt you most
It don't make sense, but hey that's life that's the way it goes You don't know but, you've just been served
All this time, is this what you deserve... erve... How many lessons, before I learn
Turn... the page divide the book of life and take a look
Learn... that pain and sadness, won't change your worth
Greg Scherff - Tak to idzie (Polish translation)
Nie wiesz, ale poslugiwano sie toba
caly ten czas, czy na to zaslugujesz
uswiadom sobie to szalenstwo i naucz sie czego mozesz
takie jest zycie, bawisz sie ogniem i pazysz sie
Spazony... ile lekcji, zanim sie naucze
Odwroc... strone, otworz ksiege zycia i zobacz
(tak idzie)
Dwa rozdzialy, prosta czcionka, czarne i biale, znam to
to proste, zostaw czek zanim wyjdziesz
wynagrodz tym, ktorych najbardziej skrzywdzilesGreg Scherff - That's The Way It Goes -
to nie ma sensu, ale hej, takie jest zycie, wlasnie tak sie toczy
teraz jakie znaczenie ma to co ci powiedziano
glupieje z wiekiem
musze porzucic ten nawyk i odwrocic strone
Kogo do cholery probuje oszukac, musze przekazac pioro
służ... ile lekcji zanim sie naucze
odwróć... strone, otworz ksiege i popatrz
naucz sie... bol i smutek nie zmienia twej wartosci