Human Remain

Feel Good Lyrics

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Human Remain - Feel Good lyrics

[verse 1]
Gotta' get you on the run Show you what you gotta scrap
Afraid of her shaky side Where the grass just doesn't grab
My life is overflowing, it's feeling feeling good
Last time its overflowing So you gotta' move, you gotta move
Take your chances and you're falling so far down
And it happens, less round by each round
Then there's getting off, shaking off that sweaty sideHuman Remain - Feel Good -
[verse 2]

Gotta get you on the stand Take the turn less from the shrew
It happened to him (Mike Wran) Go up heavy come down rude
Her life is ever rising, it's feeling feeling good
Last tide, it's always turning So you gotta' move, you gotta move
[extended jam]

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