Ishai Levi

clouds Lyrics

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Ishai Levi - clouds lyrics

clouds came together for now
when they saw me falling
my brothers had left me
when i reached out
when i shouted
"help me, friends" where should i go?
i've alraedy been there
i spent my nights hiding there
my friends
you should not lie
my friends
it the story of my life clouds came together for now
when they saw me falling
my brothers had left me
when i reached outIshai Levi - clouds -
when i shouted
"help me, friends" where should i go?
i've alraedy been there
i spent my nights hiding there
my friends
you should not lie
my friends
it the story of my life where should i go?
i've alraedy been there
i spent my nights hiding there
my friends
you should not lie
my friends
it the story of my life lirycs and compozing by Raviv Ben-Menahem

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