Kiki Lesandric - Uvek te djavo nađe lakse nego ja
Ti naidjes niotkud
kao milost Bozja, kao strasni sud
ti si moj bol i moj apostol
beli camac sudbine vezan za moj mol Ti uvek suze radje ostavljas za kraj
k'o zadnji metak cuvas bol
samo za sebe Ti, ti me na zalost znas
kao zadnja skitnica uzmem sta god das
osmeh, dva, tvog sna
i koji gutljaj istine zagrabljene znam Ref.
Ti uvek suze radje ostavljas za krajKiki Lesandric - Uvek te djavo nađe lakse nego ja -
k'o zadnji metak cuvas bol
samo za sebe Uvek te djavo nadje lakse nego ja
od zvezda pa do trnja put
vodi do tebe Ti, ti naidjes po svom
i sobu jednim korakom pretvoris u dom Da l' sanjati il' ranjavati
da l' zapocinjati rat il' se sklanjati Ref. Ti uvek suze radje ostavljas za kraj
k'o zadnji metak cuvas bol
samo za sebe Uvek te djavo nadje lakse nego ja
od zvezda pa do trnja put
vodi do tebe
Kiki Lesandric - The Devil Always Finds You Easier Than Me (English translation)
You come from nowhere
like God's mercy, like a judgement day
you are my pain, my apostle
a white boat of destiny tied to my pier
You always choose to leave tears for the end
Like the last bullet you keep the pain
only for yourself
You, unfortunately, you know me
like a bum I take whatever you give
a smile or two, from your dream
and a couple of sips of grabbed truth I know
You always choose to leave tears for the endKiki Lesandric - Uvek te djavo nađe lakse nego ja -
Like the last bullet you keep the pain
only for yourself
The devil always finds you easier than me
the road from stars to thorns
leads to you
You, you might come only when you please
and with one step turn this room into a home
Should I dream, or wound
Should I start a war or step away
You always choose to leave tears for the end
Like the last bullet you keep the pain
only for yourself
The devil always finds you easier than me
the road from stars to thorns
leads to you