Lauren Rose

Cuz I'm Dreaming Lyrics

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Lauren Rose
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Lauren Rose - Cuz I'm Dreaming lyrics

[ VerSe ]
Cuz i'm dreaming, bOut yOor pretty brOwn eyes
bOut us cuddlin tHrou the nite, n hOw yOor gettin sO fly
nOw it dOesnt take a genius tO misundastAnd, Cuz i realli wantcHa to knO whOo i m ....

[ ChOruS ]
It dOesnt realli matter whOo yOo are,
It dOesnt realli matter what type Of car yOo got.
Cuz baybey I think yOor sO hOt.
So nOw baybey get with me, n shOw me wut's ya lOt
Oh bOi hav i fOrgOt?...did i mentiOn? [ did i care tO mention? ]
Tht i think yOor hOt ..Lauren Rose - Cuz I'm Dreaming -

[ VerSe ]
Come with me nOw bOi, n i'll take ya On One crazii ride
BOi there's nOwhere tO hide [it],
Why kahntcha cOnfide in it?
YoO are the One tht i've been searchin fOr,
Dont wOrri bOut it bOi
I aint gOnna treatcha lyk a toy, nO nOw...

[ChOruS toOx ]
* CoPy WrItTeN *

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