Linkin Park - Crawling
Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
There's something inside me
That pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear
Is never ending, controlling
I can't seem to find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence)
(I'm convinced that there's)
(Just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before so insecure
Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
Discomfort, endlessly has pulled
Itself upon me distracting, reacting
Against my will I stand beside my own reflectionLinkin Park - Crawling -
It's haunting how I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence)
(I'm convinced that there's)
(Just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before so insecure
Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
Crawling in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing, confusing what is real
There's something inside me
That pulls beneath the surface
(Confusing what is real)
This lack of self control I fear
Is never ending, controlling
(Confusing what is real)
Linkin Park - Tremur (Romanian translation)
Tremur din tot corpul,
Ranile astea nu se vor vindeca
Frica ma face sa decad
Si sa nu mai pot distinge realitatea.
E ceva inauntrul meu si e pe punctul sa iasa
Ma consum si sunt confuz
Ma tem ca nu-mi voi mai putea recapata controlul nicodata
Controlandu-ma...Se pare ca nu
Ma voi mai regasi niciodata,
Peretii se apropie
(Sunt total lipsit de incredere si sunt convins ca sunt supus la o presiune mult prea mare)
M-am mai simtit candva asa -
Atat de neprotejat
Tremur din tot corpul,
Ranile astea nu se vor vindeca
Frica ma face sa decad
Si sa nu mai pot distinge realitatea.
Am reusit in sfarsit sa scap de starea asta de disconfort
Detasandu-ma de tot si reactionand.Linkin Park - Crawling -
Acum stau langa propria umbra fara sa pot face nimic
Ma bantuie faptul ca e imposibil
Sa ma regasesc din nou,
Peretii se apropie.
(Sunt total lipsit de incredere si sunt convins ca sunt supus la o presiune mult prea mare)
M-am mai simtit candva asa -
Atat de neprotejat
Tremur din tot corpul,
Ranile astea nu se vor vindeca
Frica ma face sa decad
Si sa nu mai pot distinge realitatea.
Tremur din tot corpul,
Ranile astea nu se vor vindeca
Frica ma face sa decad
Si sa nu mai pot distinge realitatea.
E ceva inauntrul meu si e pe punctul sa iasa
Ma consum si nu mai pot distinge realitatea
Ma tem ca nu-mi voi mai putea recapata controlul nicodata
Controlandu-ma/ nemaiputand distinge realitatea