Manga - Yalan
Elimde saç tokan
Güneº misali mis kokan
B1rakt11n tek parçan
Bir de kocaman bir yalan
Affedilmek istemedin
Nefretimi bekledin
Seni senden baºka
Kimse, kimse, kimse affedemez
Baz1 ºeyler için
0yi olmak yetmiyormuºManga - Yalan -
Sevilmek için, aºk için
0yi olmak yetmiyormuº
Aºk biraz palavrad1r
Biraz da aºna, aºna fiºna
Biraz da yalandand1r
Sevmek birisini ömür boyu
Platonik olma, demez ona, yaz1k sana
Asl1nda hepsi yalan, yalan dolan, herºey yalan
Aºk sevmek deil yalan, yalan dolan her ºey, yalan, yalan dolan
Aºk sevmek deil yalan, yalan dolan her ºey, yalan, yalan dolan
Manga - Lies (English translation)
Your hair pin in my hands
In the shape of sun, it smells so nice
It is the only thing you left
And also a huge lies
You did not want to be forgiven
You waited for me to hate you
Nobody can forgive you but you yourself
For some things it wasnt enough just to be a good guy
To be loved, for love, it wasnt enough to be a good guy
Love is a bit rubbishManga - Yalan -
And also a bit coquerty
And a bit lies
To love somebody till the end of your lifetime
Dont be platonic, it is not worth it, shame on you
In fact everybody is fake, big lies, everything is lies
Love is lies,
Lies, lies,everything is lies...