Medeni Mesec - Ivana
To, sto lutam sto se opijam
to, sto crne noci ispracam
to, sto mi u snove dolazis
neznana, Ivana To, to tebi nista ne znaci
a, a djavo prste zavlaci
u, u moje srce ranjeno
ponovo, ponovo Ref.
Voleo sam jednu zenu
mnogo leta pre
strah me da seMedeni Mesec - Ivana -
zaljubim u tebe Ljubavi se plasim
sve zbog starih dana
a mogo bih mnogo
da te volim Ivana To, sto ti pod prozor dolazim
to, sto nigde mir ne nalazim
to, sto nekad suzu pustim ja
Ivana, Ivana To, to tebi nista ne znaci
a, a djavo prste zavlaci
u, u moje srce ranjeno
ponovo, ponovo Ref. 2x
Medeni Mesec - Ivana (English translation)
That,why I'm wandering,why I'm getting drink
that,why I'm staying more late than the black nights
that,why you come in my dreams,
This,this mean not a thing to you,
but,but devil is putting his finger through
in,in my wounded heart
I've loved a woman
long years ago
I have a fear toMedeni Mesec - Ivana -
fall in love with you
I'm afraid of love
its all,cause of the old days
But I could love you so much
That,why I'm coming under your window
That,why I can't find peace nowhere
That,why sometimes I let the tear out
This,this mean not a thing to you,
but,but devil is putting his finger through
in,in my wounded heart
ref 2x.