Meri Cetinic - Gorka rijeka
Još teče mojim venama
ta gorka rijeka naših dana
još više bole tvoji poljupci
što kao rane žive uvijek u meni Prošla je duga godina dana
otkad si draga ostala samaMeri Cetinic - Gorka rijeka -
proći će dušo još mnogo više
dok nam se ljubav ne izbriše Ref. Tamo na pijesku tragovi stoje
u duši čujem krik galeba
tamo nas zovu valovi plavi
i duga zlatna obala Ref.
Meri Cetinic - The bitter river (English translation)
It still flows through my veins
that bitter river of our times (lit. days)
Your kissed hurt even more
they live as eternal wounds inside me
A long year passed by
since you my darling were left aloneMeri Cetinic - Gorka rijeka -
more will pass my sweet (lit soul)
untill our love fades away
There in the sand are our footsteps
in my soul I hear the the seagull's cries
there the blue waves are calling out to us
as does the long golden shore.