Mohsen Namjoo - Toranj
خواجوی کرمانی گفتا تو از کجایی کاشفته مینمایی؟
گفتم منم غریبی از شهر آشنایی
گفتا سر چه داری کز سر خبر نداری؟
گفتم بر آستانت دارم سر گدایی
گفتا کدام مرغی کز این مقام خوانی؟
گفتم که خوش نوایی از باغ بینوایی
گفتا ز قید هستی رو مست شو که رستی
گفتم به می پرستی جستم ز خود رهایی
گفتا جویی نیرزی گر زهد و توبه ورزیMohsen Namjoo - Toranj -
گفتم که توبه کردم از زهد و پارسایی
گفتا به دلربایی ما را چگونه دیدی؟
گفتم چو خرمنی گل در بزم دلربایی
گفتا من آن ترنجم کاندر جهان نگنجم
گفتم به از ترنجی لیکن به دست نایی
گفتا چرا چو ذره با مهر عشق بازی؟
گفتم از آن که هستم سرگشتهای هوایی
گفتا بگو که خواجو در چشم ما چه بیند؟
گفتم حدیث مستان سرّی بود خدایی Submitter's comments: Although I like Mohsen Namjoo's innovative style in bringing the West and the East together, but I am not a fan of Sophism or Religious/Spiritual conception of the world, and my main reason to translate this poem was to pay tribute to Khawju Kermani who spoke of the duplicity and deception of the so-called "men of god" over 800 years ago.
Mohsen Namjoo - Toranj (English translation)
"Where do you come from", they questioned, "that you seem so disturbed"?
"A stranger from the city of the acquainted", I replied
"What is on your mind", they questioned, "to make you lose your mind"?
"Begging your love", I replied, "tis the only thing on my mind"
"What breed of bird are you", they questioned, "that such a melody you sing"?
"A cheerful tone from the garden of the forlorn", I replied
"Get drunk", they urged, "so that you may from all be free"!
"With wine indeed", I replied, "with wine I fond my salvation from me"
"You'd not be worth a whit tho", they cautioned, "if you'd seek abstinence or repentance"Mohsen Namjoo - Toranj -
"I've repented of abstinence and piety", I replied
"How do you hold our art of allure", they questioned?
"Like a deluge of flowers in the banquet of coquetry", I replied
"I am the Bergamot Orange", they said, "which befits not this world"
"Even better art thou", I replied, "yet unattainable"
"Why then so little of your sweet amour", they questioned?
"Intoxicated with love", I replied, "that is why"
"What does Khwaju see in our eyes", they questioned?
"The tale of the drunken is a divine enigma", I replied!