The 'Bad Boys' hitmaker insists she eats whatever she wants and has an equally relaxed approach to exercise, despite being a UK size 10.
Alexandra said: "I've attempted diets for about a day but then I eat what I want again. I just don't believe in full-on dieting because it doesn't work.
"I haven't been to the gym since last year but my dance rehearsals keep me fit. And I try to eat in moderation – little and often.
"I love food – full stop."
Despite the star's enviable figure, Alexandra admits she isn't always comfortable with her body.
She said: "My thighs are too big. I have to pull dresses over my head and I can still get upset about that, but it's how I'm built."
Despite her insecurities, the singer is proud to be seen as an inspiration to others.
She said: "A lot of people tweeted me and said, 'Alex, you've inspired me to start dancing again,' so if I can help at least one person live their dreams then that's a goal achieved."