The 38-year-old actress took to Twitter to tell the world that she and husband Dave Bugliari are expecting a baby boy because she wanted to be in control of the news.
Talking to CNN show host Piers Morgan, she explained, 'Here's what happened, there's actually a legitimate story behind that. I had found out the gender of the baby a week before and I walked a red carpet about two days after I had found out the gender and I did an interview and I slipped and I called the baby a 'he'...
'I went home and I thought, 'Oh, this is going to be everywhere! Alyssa Milano slipped... Is she having a boy?' And I thought, you know, before this became some sort of hoopla that I would nip it in the bud and just announce the gender of the baby with a link to my official website and a blog post that I did.'
And she praised Twitter for enabling her to have her say. 'That is another sort of tool to have you know... you can actually control the information that gets out there, and I think that's really important.'