Director Richard Kelly (Donnie Darko, Southland Tales) is working on a new film, which will star Cameron Diaz and James Marsden called 'The Box', and it looks like Canadian indie megagroup Arcade Fire are providing the score.
While Kelly has kept quiet about who the actual band is, saying only "We're starting to work with a very famous band who is honoring us with being the first filmmakers they've ever scored a film with," Pitchfork is reporting producer Markus Dravs advertised it on his website.
What was once ".... having finished Coldplay's forthcoming album VivaLaVida - now off to Canada to work with Arcade Fire on a Sound-track for the forth coming Richard Kelly film....." under the heading of "Currently working on..." is now "—————- new skills and tricks for ponys".
The film is currently being edited.