Aretha Franklin's $19,000 tax bill will be paid by PETA if she promises never to wear fur again.
The 'Respect' singer - who was crowned Biggest Loser by the animal rights activists last month for her love of fur - is close to having her Michigan home repossessed unless she can come up with the money.
PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) have agreed to settle the bill if she agrees to their terms, which also includes handing over her collection of fur coats.
PETA president Ingrid Newkirk wrote in a letter to the singer: "We would like to help you out by paying the approximately $19,000 in back taxes that you owe - if you'll agree to save animals from hideous suffering and death by promising never to wear fur again and donating your old furs to PETA.
"We are absolutely sincere in making this offer - we believe that you know in your heart that your fans will love you even more if you make a fur-free resolution.
"Our offer is a win-win situation. You get to keep your home, and animals get to keep their lives. We are rooting for you to please give animals the R-E-S-P-E-C-T that they deserve by giving up fur."
It is unknown whether Aretha has responded to the letter yet.