Graham Nash of the legendary Crosby Stills Nash and Young, is infuriated by the Abbott government's destructive environmental direction.
Nash has been a longtime outspoken advocate for the environment and human issues and from the other side of the planet has been observing the Australian governments policy leading to the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.
Speaking to, Nash said "that decision he made on Australia's five megaports is devastating. In Australia with the amount of sun that your country gets are you kidding me that we are wasting all that energy".
Graham Nash, with David Crosby, Stephen Stills and occasionally Neil Young have fought for human rights and environmental issues ever since they got together in 1969 and warns if you come to their concerts you get exactly that message. But despite 40 years of sending the message, people still come along expecting nice ballads. "And they get those too," Graham says. "If you buy a ticket to a Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young concert what the hell do you expect. It seems to have been that way since before we formed in 1969. We do what we do and people don't have to listen to it, they don't have to buy a ticket to our concert".
The world is facing an environmental challenge right now and Australia is now seen internationally as destructive under the Abbott government. "The thing is we are human beings and we are facing an enormous crisis in our life and get what they expect," Nash said.
The severe issues are masked by right-wing media who smoother the message but people like Neil, Young offer a voice for songwriters with a message to be heard. "On the Living With War website from Neil Young there are about 3000 protest songs," he says. "The people that own the world's media you can probably count on two hands. They don't want protest songs on their radio. They don't want protest songs on their TV. All they want to do is make us into sheep. Lie down, shut the fuck up while we rob you. That's whats going on around the world."
Crosby Still Nash & Young are about to release the heritage collection '1974', sourced from the 1974 shows in the UK. The album is out through Warner Music.
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