Kelly Clarkson has made her first post-baby debut by accepting an ice-bucket challenge.
The 32-year-old American singer and her husband Brandon Blackstock welcomed daughter River Rose in June.
Since giving birth Kelly hasn't made an appearance in public, but she decided to reveal herself on Thursday to fans online by accepting an ALS ice-bucket charity challenge.
"ALS Ice Bucket Challenge accepted!!! Calling out Brian and Val Pittman, Alyssa and Sean Watson, Ashley Arrison and Aben Eubanks, Joe and Christina West and Narvel Blackstock! Don't forget to donate at!" she wrote in a Facebook post attached to a video of her performing the act with her spouse Brandon by her side.
The star wore comfortable clothing in the footage, including black knee-length tights, a purple shirt and purple sunglasses.
Kelly admitted she felt anxious about dumping freezing ice-water on her head.
"Hey this is Kelly Clarkson and I'm really nervous about this. I was nominated by a ton of mean people to do the ALS ice bucket challenge and we've been trying to do it but we're just really nervous about it," she said in the clip.
"I hope I can lift the bucket because it's really heavy."
Kelly is just the latest in a string of celebrities who have all taken part in the Ice Bucket challenge to raise money for The ALS Association.
She married husband Brandon Blackstock last October and River Rose is their first child together.
Kelly is also stepmother to Brandon's two children from his previous marriage with Melissa Ashworth White.