Kelly Clarkson's daughter does a "drunk girl sorority laugh" when she's jet-lagged.
The 32-year-old singer and her husband Brandon Blackstock are the proud parents of eight-month-old River Rose, who recently travelled with Kelly to the UK. The trip was great fun because the tot took a while to adjust to the time, which put her in a silly mood.
"Her daddy and her eight-year-old brother [Seth, Brandon's son from another relationship] get her to laugh the most, and especially here because she's jet-lagged, so you get a bit of the drunk girl sorority laugh. It's like, 'Hahahaha,'" Kelly laughed to British magazine Heat.
Kelly has previously slammed celebrities who pretend they juggle it all in terms of parenting and their work load. She believes many of them have nannies without admitting to it, although that doesn't mean she wants to raise River away from other stars.
In fact there are a few celebrity babies who the singer believes her tot would get along famously with - and some she doesn't think she'd bond with.
"I forgot [Simon Cowell] had a baby. Have you seen Wiz Khalifa's little boy? He was on the Grammys red carpet and I want River to marry him - it'd be so cute," she gushed.
"I don't think my kid would be talented enough to hang out with Kanye's [West] kids. Apparently not many people are... I live in Tennessee and unless they're country stars, I don't see celebrities."