When were approached by Electronic Arts about contributing their song "CASTLE OF GLASS" to the upcoming game, they knew they'd be shooting a video ... they just weren't aware it'd be a video like this.
"Remember the video where the band was playing on Pamela Anderson, and she's in a bikini and she ate the band?" LP's Chester Bennington told, referencing, of course, Lit's epochal "Miserable" clip. "That's what we're doing, only it's going to be me, in boxer shorts. It's going to be great."
"And there are going to be soldiers running around on top of Chester," Mike Shinoda added. "The guys from EA [came up with the idea] ... we weren't planning to go this direction with it; we were like 'You know, let's do a video with the band playing, and soldiers, and make it like the game,' and they were like 'No, we want to see Chester naked!'"
Of course, we suspect they're only kidding about the nudity, because when MTV News was on the set of the "CASTLE" video shoot in Los Angeles, we didn't see Bennington in his boxers (not even when we barged into his dressing room). But we did see plenty of green-screen-aided performance footage of Linkin Park, which will be cut into the clip and subsequently used in promotion with the hotly anticipated "Warfighter," due in stores October 23.
And "CASTLE OF GLASS" is a fitting choice to be included in the game, which explores the personal side of war ... namely, the lives of the soldiers fighting it, and the many sacrifices they and their families make. Because when Linkin Park spoke to MTV News back in June about the making of their LIVING THINGS album, they not only mentioned the song as being one of their favorites, but mentioned that its lyrics were partially inspired by the stories of soldiers returning from combat and trying to find their place in society.
"This album tends to be a little more of a personal record, compared to the last record, which I guess I would say was a little more political. And this song is an example of that; the lyrics can have multiple meanings, be it a soldier's story [or] an individual at home, dealing with a personal relationship," Shinoda said. "[And the video] is really mostly narrative; and it's kind of the story of the families and the soldiers that this game is based on."
Are you ready for Linkin Park's new video? Let us know in the comments!