Madonna reportedly upset neighbours with the "music and shouting" emanating from her garden party.
The 53-year-old singer put on a spectacular show in Hyde Park, London Tuesday.
At her home in Mayfair, Madonna threw an after party with good friends Stella McCartney and George Michael along with other merrymakers.
Neighbours were incensed at the noise level after midnight and were compelled to phone authorities.
"When officers arrived, they could clearly hear music and shouting," a source told British newspaper The Mirror.
"In their opinion it was unreasonable on a weekday evening so they served a noise abatement notice on the owner of the house.
"As soon as the notice was received, the volume was turned down and there were no further complaints."
According to an unidentified neighbour, Madonna's party didn't end until many residents were knocked out of sleep by the ruckus.
"It went on until quarter past two. It was all out in the garden – it woke me up," the insider recalled. "She is a pain."