The Front National Party, France's Ultraconservative faction, will sue Madonna over an image of their leader with a swastika on her had which is displayed on the screen during her live show.
The Guardian reports that Madonna performed in Paris on Saturday and during the show a photo montage appeared featuring the leader of the Front National party, Marine Le Pen, with a swastika superimposed over her face.
The leader of the far-right party's face appeared alongside Pope Benedict, Chinese leader Hu Jintao and Sarah Palin; the montage follows Le Pen with an image resembling Hitler.
Madonna has been using the video in her stage show on previous dates of her MDNA World Tour and Le Pen said in May, "If she tries that in France, we'll see what happens".
A spokesman for Le Pen said they would lodge a lawsuit for "public insult" with the Paris courts in the next few days.
The Front National vice-president Florian Philippot, called the video a "very serious insult". He said, "We cannot accept everything. We cannot accept this insulting connection. Marine Le Pen is defending her honour, but also that of party members and supporters and the millions of Front National voters."
The offending image appears at approx. 1:30 in the video below.
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