The actor is best known for his portrayal of bad boy Noah ‘Puck’ Puckerman in television show Glee, about a group of high school students in a singing club. Glee has become hugely popular over the last year, and although he is now famous Mark insists his life hasn’t changed much.
He still lives in a questionable part of Los Angeles and has no plans to move despite his success.
“I still live in the same apartment. I play around £300 a month for my rent and drive the same used car that I bought ages ago. I have all the same friends and the same roommate,” he was quoted as saying.
“I’m based in LA but I live in a colourful part of town. It’s a bit rough around the edges but I like to keep it real.”
One of the reasons Mark is keen to continue living in his apartment is that no one bothers him when he is walking around the neighbourhood. He likes being able to go incognito and lead a relatively normal life.
“Where I live, no one has any idea who I am or about Glee, which is kind of cool,” he added.