The Midnight Oil catalogue is about to be released for the first time for digital downloads.
It has been 30 years since the first Midnight Oil album and despite a catalogue that has turned over more than 20 million albums worldwide, until now the songs have only been available over the counter.
To prepare for the digital reissues, the band remastered the back catalogue.
"A lot of these [older] records were made for vinyl, so a lot of the frequencies were cut out because there were certain sounds you couldn't put on records," says the band's Jim Moginie.
"This was a good chance to get them back up to scratch, because now we can make them as loud and big sounding as [we] want, with all the added depth using the original master tapes. It's the audiophile nerd side of us that accounts for some of that."
The complete Midnight Oil catalogue will be available for downloads from September 2nd, initially through iTunes and then one-month later through the various download companies.