The 33-year-old mother-of-two visited the Italian Castel Gandolfo summer retreat of Pope Benedict XVI, while filming for BBC1's Heaven And Earth show, and confessed that she couldn't help but pinch a momento.
She told The Sun, 'The Pope wasn't actually there, but I did take some loo roll.
'And I made Christmas presents out of it. I stuck a piece of tissue, and I'd write, 'Papal loo roll; a tissue. Bless you.' It's so bad it's good, right?
'I gave it to a few friends and I framed some up too. It's very special because it's got papal wreaths embossed all over it in little green laurel leaves.
'I was amazed that they gave us such free reign to explore.'
It isn't the first time that her light-fingered ways have gotten the better of her. 'You've always got to take a souvenir,' she said of visits to famous places. 'I took writing paper from Downing Street — so I write my notes for the fridge on that.'