Young filmmakers Liberty Smith and Ronan Glynn, directors of film, 'Behind The Light' have received praise from Nick Cave and been awarded film of the month, on the popular filmmakers website Shooting People.
Their short film, 'Behind the Light', documents the last of Britain's lighthouse keepers and has been acclaimed by legendary musician and film score writer Nick Cave. As guest judge on this month's Shooting People, Nick applauded the film and quoted: ''Behind the Light, about the lighthouse keepers, sad and elegaic, spoke strongly of those who fall through the fault lines of progress. I was very moved by this film and think it deserves to win film of the month''
Fresh out of university, Liberty, 25, and Ronan, 23, were thrilled to receive such high praise from an industry leading website. Their short film started as a 'small project about tough, enigmatic men'. They said 'We were nervous to begin with but we really grew to know and love the keepers while we were filming with them.'
Behind The Light - Synopsis
The film interviews 3 keepers who relate their experiences of working in the tough environment of lighthouses yet we hear how their passion was driven by the beauty, the camaraderie and the care for the passing ships. Interspersed with animation, the film depicts how these unique characters have sadly been replaced by technology.
Shooting People regularly receives over two hundred film entries for their highly regarded monthly contest, so winning the award is a great industry achievement for young aspiring filmmakers. 'The standard of films entered each month is very high so we were thrilled to win this accolade' Liberty said 'We have many more ideas in mind for our next projects and we hope this gives us the springboard to carry on with them''.
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