The 23-year-old reportedly said last year that she 'didn't want the generic pop record that Ke$ha or Lady Gaga or Katy Perry would do'.
But she said that she was misquoted and the criticism was aimed at songwriters and producers, not the stars themselves.
She told Fabulous, 'I didn't say that. Did you see the interview? That's not what I said. OK, if anything it was a diss to songwriters and producers who can't make anything other than formula records.
'They'll make a song and give it to Rihanna. If she doesn't take it, they'll take it to Katy, and if Katy doesn't take it they'll give it to Gaga.
'That's not what we want. We like songs that scream our individuality. We like records that speak for who we are as artists and that are tailored to us.'